
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 Thyroid Imaging in A Patient with Thyrotoxicosis Factitia
卷期 20:4
並列篇名 人?性甲狀腺高能症的甲狀腺核醫造影檢查:病例報告
作者 李碧芳吳達仁歐弘毅邱南津
頁次 235-238
關鍵字 131IThyroid uptake and scanThyrotoxicosis factitiaHyperthyroidism碘-131甲狀腺核醫造影檢查人?性甲狀腺高能症
出刊日期 200712




We performed an 131I thyroid imaging on a 26-year-old man who had the clinical features of thyrotoxicosis. Physical examination revealed no goiter, no palpable nodules, and no tenderness. The imaging showed decreased activity of bilateral thyroid lobes with depressed radioactive iodine uptake. The thyroid function test showed thyrotoxicosis. Thyroglobulin antibody and microsomal antibody were undetectable. ESR was 2 mm/h (normal 0-15 mm/h). While being confronted with this information, the patient admitted he was secretly taking L-thyroxine to cut down his weight. Reviewing the clinical history and data, the possibility of subacute thyroiditis was ruled out, and the results of tests confirmed the diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis factitia. As the similarities in thyroid function tests, 131I uptake and scan, differential diagnosis between subacute thyroiditis and thyrotoxicosis factiti is important. We report here such a case.
