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篇名 臺灣中小學科展活動之實務探究
卷期 297
並列篇名 On Science Fair Projects Carried Out in Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taiwan
作者 徐佳璋
頁次 2-15
關鍵字 科學展覽科展指導探究活動Science fairGuidance on science fairResearch activities
出刊日期 200704


期望透由基層科學教師視野,提醒各界正視上述「競賽性質」干擾「教育宗旨」的現象。並針對各層級的中小學科展活動提出以下建議:1.科展的歷程應視為:「科展活動為學生針對日常生活中發現到有趣的問題、現象,想盡辦法利用所學與創造力,系統化、科學化的尋求解答並有效呈現」之教育過程。2. 老師指導科展應以「過程」與「教育性」為主目標, 以「結果」與「得獎」為次目標。3.賦予學生更大之研究主題選擇權。4. 不預先選定學生,針對有興趣參與者採「廣泛指導,後續深入探討」指導模式。5.推廣科學教育的主舞台在校內科展。6.校際科展競賽評審時,初審應首重科學性。複審才強調創意、新穎、實用等性質。


The objective and mission of “Science fair” at different levels of schooling is to promote science education, but these fairs are usually carried out in the form of competitions. This paper will discuss in order “missions of science fairs,” “three key issues to determine how to guide science fair,” and “how the nature of competitions interferes with the “mission to promote science education.”Elementary/Junior high school basic level instructors are often troubled by three issues when guiding students on science fair: “who gets to pick the themes of the science fair?”, “what mode of instruction should be adopted?”and “which students get to participate in internal and external competitions?” With the support of related literature, this paper illustrates different ways that different teachers handle the situation when they face these three key issues, and different ways to analyze the pros and cons.
Looking from the viewpoint of basic level science instructors, this paper aims to keep everyone aware as to the impact the nature of competitions can have on the ultimate goal to promote science. Suggestions on science project activities in different levels of schools are as follows: (1) Conducting science fair should be a process that helps students discover interesting issues and phenomena present in the course of daily life, so that they then make an effort to systematically and scientifically seek and present answers from what they have learned and from their creativity. (2) When guiding students on science fair, instructors should bear in mind that it is the processes and educational values that are of essence, and the results as well as the awards are secondary. (3) Give students the option to choose what they want to research. (4) No students are pre-designated. Guidance is given to all those who are interested, and this is followed up by in-depth discussions. (5) The main stage to promote science education should be within schools. (6) When serving on judging panels in inter-school science fairs, judges should look for the scientific elements at the first round, and focus on creativity, novelty, and pragmatism in the second round.
