
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Chemical Constituents and Anti-platelet Aggregation Activity from The Root of Peucedanum Formosanum
卷期 16:3
並列篇名 臺灣前胡根之化學成分及抗血小板凝集活性
作者 陳昱璋陳鵬印吳志中蔡烟力陳益昇
頁次 15-25
關鍵字 Peucedanum formosanumUmbelliferaeRootQian-huFuranocoumarinDihydropyranocoumarinAnti-platelet aggregation臺灣前胡繖形科前胡抗血小板凝集MEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 200806



Analysis of the root extract of Peucedanum formosanum (Taiwan Qian-Hu) led to the isolation of 32 known compounds. The structures of these isolates were determined by spectral data. Some of them displayed strong anti-platelet aggregation activities. Analysis showed that most of the constituents found in P. formosanum were the same as those found in P. praeruptorum (Bai-Hua Qian-Hu), in that many isolates of both plants’ roots belong to seselin-type dihydropyranocoumarins and psoralen-type furanocoumarins.

