
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Total Aflatoxin, Aflatoxin B1 and Ochratoxin A Levels in Turkish Wheat Flour
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 土耳其麵粉中總黃麴毒素、黃麴毒素B1及赭麴毒素A之含量
作者 Aydin, AliGunsen, UgurDemirel, Salih
頁次 48-53
關鍵字 Total aflatoxinAflatoxin B1ELISAOchratoxin ATurkeyWheat flour總黃麴毒素黃麴毒素B1ELISA赭麴毒素A土耳其麵粉MEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 200804


本研究利用微滴定盤酵素連結免疫吸附測定分析法(ELISA)分析來自7種不同Thrace產區之100件麵粉樣品中總黃麵毒素(total AF)、黃麴毒素B1(AFB1)及赭麴毒素A(OTA)之含量。依據歐盟法規及土耳其食品法典,total AF、AFB1及OTA在43、18及53件樣品中的允許含量分別介於最低檢測極限(0.05、<1.0、0.025μg/kg)及最高容忍極限(4、2、3μg/kg)之間;然而,本研究檢測結果發現,分別有2、2及28件樣品污染程度超過最高容忍極限的標準。本論文是土耳其Thrace地區針對OTC進行定量研究的首例,OTC存在於81%的分析樣品中,而取樣地區係屬歐洲東南部,此與區域性巴爾幹半島腎病變及大眾健康危機有間接關係。


This study was designed to assess the total aflatoxin (total AF), aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and ochratoxin A (OTA) levels in 100 samples of wheat flour obtained from 7 different producing regions of Thrace by the microtitre plate enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). According to the EC Regulation and the Turkish Food Codex, the total AF, AFB1, and OTA levels were between minimum detection limit (0.05, <1.0, 0.025 μg/kg) and the maximum tolerable limit (4, 2, 3 μg/kg) in 43, 18 and 53 samples, respectively. Whilst 2, 2 and 28 samples had unacceptable contamination levels higher than the maximum tolerable limits, respectively. This is the first study in Thrace, Turkey on account of OTA, and the presence of OTA in 81% of analysed samples and taking part in South-Eastern Europe of sampling area would be indirectly related to Balkan Endemic Nephropathy and also be of risk to public healthy.

