
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Total and Organic Hg in Fish from the Reservoir of a Chlor-alkali Plant in Tainan, Taiwan
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 臺南鹼氯工廠海水貯存池中魚類肌肉之總汞及有機汞濃度
作者 黃思維陳志遠陳孟仙
頁次 75-80
關鍵字 Heavy metalEstuarine fishesFish musclesSafety seafood consumptionHealth threat重金屬河口魚類魚肉水產品安全食用量健康危害MEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 200804


本研究利用冷蒸氣原子吸收光譜測定來自台南鹼氯工廠旁海水貯存池中的十種魚類(海鰱、四線雞魚、曳絲鑽嘴魚、短棘鰏、漢式綾鯷、吳郭魚、環球海鰶、大鱗鮻、烏魚及虱目魚),魚肉中的總汞及有機汞濃度。結果顯示十種魚類的肌肉平均總汞及有機汞濃度分別為0.43±0.36及0.31±0.21μg/g鮮重,與其他國家的鹼氯廠址測值相似。其中有37% 的有機汞測值超過世界衛生組織所訂水產品甲基汞安全限值(0.3μg/g鮮重);同時,77%的有機汞測值超過臺灣地區海鮮建議安全食用限值(甲基汞應低於0.17μg/g鮮重)。當地居民每週食用該蓄水池中的魚類應不得超過100克,以避免汞中毒的健康危害。


Total mercury (THg) and organic mercury (OHg) concentrations were determined by cold-vapor AAS in ten species of fish, which were caught in the reservoir of a chlor-alkali plant in Tainan, Taiwan that had been abandoned for 22 years. The fishes, including Elops machnata, Pelates quadrilineatus, Gerres filamentosus, Leiognathus equulus, Thryssa hamiltonii, Orechromis spp., Nematalosa come, Liza macrolepis, Mugil cephalus and Chanos chanos, were sampled from September to October 2003. THg and OHg concentrations (μg/g flesh wt.) in fish muscles were 0.43±0.36 and 0.31±0.21, respectively, similar to values reported from various chlor-alkali plants worldwide. Of the OHg values, 37% exceeded the food safety limit of 0.3 μg/g set by the World Health Organization. Moreover, 77% of the tested OHg values were over 0.17 μg/g, which had been suggested for seafood safety limit in Taiwan. Finally, 100 g of fish muscle is the maximum allowable weekly consumption amount for the adult residents to avoid health treat that arise from ingesting toxic OHg.

