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篇名 日治時期臺灣的雜字書
卷期 1
並列篇名 The Tsa-tzu Books in Colonial Taiwan
作者 吳蕙芳
頁次 87-116
關鍵字 雜字書識字認詞書房漢文教育日治時期的臺灣Tsa-tzu bookWord recognitionShu-fangPrivate nursery schoolChinese eudcationColonial Taiwan
出刊日期 200512


日治時期教育史研究乃瞭解近代臺灣教育發展的重要環節,近年來為學界普遍重視,特別是教科書的分析討論尤受矚目,因此種實際教學用文本的深入研究,實提供明確教育圖像與意義,惟相關研究成果多關注殖民統治下為達同化目的而使用的日文教科書,忽略臺灣人民生活中不可或缺的漢文教材學習,而本文撰寫目的即欲針對上述空白略作填補,切入點則是以往較不為人重視的雜字書。 雜字書早於宋代即普及中國民間社會,甚至流傳域外,明清時期仍持續發展且頗為興盛,民國以後亦通行不墜;而臺灣社會因移民主要來自華南地區,故自清代起亦有雜字書流通使用,持續至日本統治時亦同。日治時期臺灣雜字書在外觀結構上承繼韻語連文、以類相從之中國傳統蒙書特色,卻忽略字詞數量、筆劃繁簡、生字提示等現代化教科書所關注者;內容刊載上則強調以日常生活中的各式具體名物為識字入門的主要途徑,且逐漸加入歷史淵源、文化傳承與地方介紹內容,以培養臺民與中國歷史文化聯繫及鄉土認同觀念。事實上,日治時期臺灣雜字書不僅為當時書房教育採行以為漢字閱讀奠基,亦提供今日鄉土教育語言學習之重要教材,其時代意義與價值由此可見。


The research of educational history in Colonial Taiwan is an important element for understanding the development of education of Modern Taiwan. Lots of scholars in academic circle these years make such of this subject; particularly, the analysis and discussion of the textbooks. Further research on actual teaching books of this kind provides clear educational images and connotation. The end result focuses mostly on Japanese textbooks that have the essentialities to assimilate, but the necessity of Chinese learning materials for pepople living in Taiwan is not addressed. Therefore, the initial inclination of this article is written to supplement the blandness of above mentioned ignorance and the pivot is less-focused Tsa-Tzu books. Since Sung Dynasty, Tsa-Tzu books had been popular in Chinese folk society and even disseminated to other country widely. These books still evolved continuously and were prosperous during Ming and Ch'ing Dynasties. Moreover, it received great attention after the establishment of Republican China. In addition, because the majority of Taiwan's people immigrated from Southern part of China, Tsa-Tzu books were thus used in Taiwna during Ch'ing Dynasty and continually in the era of Japanese Occupation. The structure of Tsa-Tzu books in Colonial Taiwan are inherited rhyming words and analogy words which presented the features of traditional Chinese nursery books, but without the emphasis on word quantity, word spelling, and hint of vocabulary that are common to modern textbooks. And the content was stressed in word recognition of concrete objects as a main path; furthermore, gradually adding historical source, cultural inheritance, and regional introduction cultivated the connection of Chinese culture and history between Taiwan and Mainland China, and also cultivated the concept of provincialism for all people in Taiwan. In fact, not only Tsa-Tzu books made reading in Chinese fundamental at the time of Japanese Occupation in Taiwan, but also supplied as important learning material for dialect of rural education. Thus, chronological significance of Tsa-Tzu books clearly appears.
