
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 國中教師教學玩興、教學動機、教學快樂感受與創意教學之關係
卷期 31:2
並列篇名 The Relationships between Playfulness in Teaching, Motivation of Teaching, Perceived Happiness in Teaching and Creative Teaching among Junior High School Teachers
作者 黃惠君葉玉珠
頁次 85-118
關鍵字 教學玩興教學動機教學快樂感受創意教學Playfulness in teachingTeaching motivationHappiness in teachingCreative teachingTSSCI
出刊日期 200806




The purposes of this study were to investigate the current state of junior high school teachers’ playfulness in teaching, motivation of teaching, perceived happiness in teaching, and creative teaching as well as to explore the relationships among these variables. The participants were 320 junior high school teachers and the employed instruments included the Inventory of Creative Teaching Behavior, the Inventory of Playfulness in Teaching, the Inventory of teaching Motivation, and the Inventory of Happiness in Teaching. The findings of this study indicated that (1) the teachers had median- to high-level of playfulness in teaching, motivation of teaching, perceived happiness in teaching, and creative teaching; (2) there were no gender differences on playfulness and happiness pertaining to teaching among the teachers, but there were gender differences on their teaching motivation and creative teaching; and (3) the teachers’ playfulness, motivation, and happiness with regard to teaching were correlated with their performance of creative teaching, and collectively, these traits could effectively predict the teachers’ behavior of creative teaching. The improvement of junior high school teachers’ performance of creative teaching, therefore, can be achieved via upgrading their motivation, layfulness, and happiness pertaining to teaching.
