
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 學習情境中之自主支持與國中生成就相關歷程間關係之探討
卷期 31:2
並列篇名 An Examination of the Relations of Junior High School Students' Perceived Autonomy Support to Their Achievement-Relevant Processes
作者 施淑慎
頁次 1-26
關鍵字 自我決定論自主支持自主動機成就目標Self-determination theoryAutonomy supportArtonomous motivationAchievement goalsTSSCI
出刊日期 200806




The present study attempts to examine the path models for relations among junior high school students’ perceptions of autonomy support provided by their teachers, achievement goal orientation, autonomous motivation, and behavioral as well as emotional engagement in schoolwork. 343 eighth-grade students completed a self-report survey assessing their perceived autonomy support from teachers, mastery-approach goal orientation, autonomous motivation, and academic engagement. Results tend to support the contention of SDT. Students’ perceptions of autonomy support in the classroom setting positively predicted their mastery-approach goal orientation, autonomous motivation, and behavioral and emotional engagement in schoolwork. Mastery-approach goals positively predicted students’ autonomous motivation and behavioral as well as emotional engagement in schoolwork. In addition to the direct effects, perceived autonomy support also exerted indirect effects on students’ engagement in academic work through mediation of autonomous motivation and mastery-approach goals.
