
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 口試委員類我效應對口試決策之影響--以教師甄選口試決策歷程之結構方程模式分析
卷期 30:3
並列篇名 A Study of the Effect of the Interviewer's Perceived Similarity on Decision Procedure--Application of Structural Equation Modeling on the Decision Procedure of the Interview of Teacher Selection
作者 呂秋萍胡悅倫邱皓政
頁次 1-34
關鍵字 教師甄選口試類我效應結構方程模式Teacher selectionInterviewPerceived similarityStructural equation modelingTSSCI
出刊日期 200709




The purpose of the study aimed to investigate how the interviewer’s and the applicant’s background variables and the interviewer’s psychological factors influence the interview assessment of the teacher selection in junior high school. Focusing on the effect of the interviewer’s perceived similarity, this study applied structural equation modeling on a cause-effect model for the interview assessment of the teacher selection.The instrument is a revision of the Interview Assessment Form proposed by Graves and Powell (1988). The objects of data-gathering are those interviewers of junior high school teacher selection in Taipei County, Taipei City, and Taoyuan County in 2004. A total of 78 interviewers participate in this research; each interviewer has 3 to 23 interviewees. Thus, a total of 883 Interview Assessment Forms are collected, 844 of which are effective. And a total of 570 effective Assessment Forms answered by 57 interviewers are selected for the data analysis of LISREL Structural Equation Modeling.According to the result of data analysis, the conclusions of my research are as follows: (1) Such background variables as the interviewer’s interview experience, level of education, job position, the educational background of the applicants, and teaching fields have significant influences upon the result of interview assessment. (2) Based on the parameter estimations and the modification indexes resulting from Structural Equation Modeling Analysis, the decision model of the interview is modified and becomes well-fit, which means the modified model can fit with the empirical data perfectly. From the analysis of Structural Equation Modeling, the strongest influence of the psychological factors upon the total effect of interview assessment is the interviewer’s perceived similarity, followed by the sequence of the applicant’s likability, the applicant’s specialty, and the applicant’s appearances and behavior.
