
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 大專院校學生的壓力來源與因應方式之研究
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 Sources of Stress and Coping Strategies Adopted by Technology and Junior College Students
作者 黃韞臻林淑惠劉響慧
頁次 147-174
關鍵字 壓力因應方式因素分析徑路分析信度與效度StressCoping strategiesFactor analysisPath analysisReliability and validityTSSCI
出刊日期 200706




The purpose of this study was to explore college students’ sources of stress, the coping strategies they adopt and the factors that influence their experience of stress. A target sample of 478 students was drawn from students enrolled in the National Taichung Institute of Technology in 2004. We surveyed these students using a quota-sampling method to randomly select the fixed number of students from each department. We applied statistical methods (descriptive analysis, T-test analysis, factor analysis, path analysis, etc.) to the collected data. Some of the major findings and conclusions are as follows:1. Students who reported some source of stress were more likely to report other stresses.2. When students had stress, they were likely to “face the problem” if they had heavier academic and family stresses and “find someone’s help” if they had heavier social interactions stress.3. According to the path analysis, the students who experienced study pressure diminished the psychological aspects of the stress best if they “take some amusements”.
