
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 教師做為轉化型知識份子的可能性、限制與實踐方向
卷期 48:4
並列篇名 Teachers as the Transformative Intellectuals: Possibilities, Limits and Practices
作者 許誌庭
頁次 27-52
關鍵字 批判教育學教師角色轉化型知識份子Critical pedagogyTeachers' roleTransformative intellectualsTSSCI
出刊日期 200212




Education as a tool of oppression is too often more powerful than as a source of inspiration for students to develop their potentiality. By reexamining traditional discourse related to educational goals, curricula and teacher-student relations, critical educators point out that the politico-cultural factor is the real essence of education. Its ends are in the hands of the rulers. The notion of “Teachers as Tranformative Intellectuals.”is the foundation for critical educators to empower teachers and students to resist such oppression can be achieved. The first purpose of this article is to examine the development of concepts of teachers’ roles offered by Critical Pedagogy. The second aim is to evaluate Taiwan’s real schooling to determine the possibilities and limits when such concepts may be realized. Finally, the author brings up some principles governing the practices of “Teachers as Tranformative Intellectuals.”
