
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 高職新任教師專業實踐理論發展之研究
卷期 48:1
並列篇名 Developing Vocational High School Novice Teachers' Professional Practical Theories
作者 陳美玉
頁次 231-266
關鍵字 新任教師教師專業實踐理論合作自傳法生活史分析Novice teacherTeacher's professional practical theoryCollaborative autobiographyLife history analysisTSSCI
出刊日期 200203




In order to improve effective professional development of novice teachers, this study utilizes the literature review, collaborative autobiography, interview and content analysis to construct and develop the professional practical theories for novice teachers of a vocational high school. This study propeses six conclusions: (1) the construction of novice teachers’ professional practical theories can improve professional perception and lead the direction of professional development, (2) the professional development and socialization of novice teachers exhibit the feature of life history, (3) the professional developmental processes of novice teachers are isolation and personalization, and schools seldom provide supportive systems, (4) the main influential factors of construction and development of novice teachers’ professional practical theories are teaching experience, the apprenticeship of observation, life history and teaching conditions, (5) novice teachers can define the directions of their professional development, (6) the construction and development of teachers’ professional practical theories effectively improve the professional development of novice teachers.
