
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 中國式領導模式的發展及其在技職院校之應用研究
卷期 47
並列篇名 The Development of the Chinese Leadership Model and Its Application in Vocational Schools
作者 康自立蘇國楨張淑萱許世卿
頁次 133-154
關鍵字 中國式領導領導效能技職院校Chinese leadershipLeadership effectivenessVocational schoolsTSSCI
出刊日期 200107




The purpose of this research was to establish the Chinese leadership model and to apply it in vocational schools. Documentary analysis was first used to understand the theories of leadership behaviors and leadership effectiveness. Factor analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, MANOVA and logistic regression analysis were introduced to test eight hypotheses from 2,141 valid samples, The conclusion shows that vocational schools’ management should adopt and enhance the Chinese leadership frameworks of a parent, a mentor and a monarch, and try to shorten the gap between leadership behavior expectation and perception so as to raise leadership effectiveness.
