
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 國民中小學校務發展計畫之研究
卷期 47
並列篇名 School Development Plan for Taiwan's Elementary and Secondary Schools
作者 許添明許瑞津
頁次 155-184
關鍵字 校務發展計畫學校本位經營教育改革School development planSchool-based managementEducation reformTSSCI
出刊日期 200107




Many countries around the world have gradually recognized the importance of designing a school development plan (SDP), not only as a basis to provide a structure for planning, decision-making and resource allocation, but also to allow school communities to systematically monitor and assess school performance and to plan for improvement. On top of that, it provides the basic structure to underpin the accountability procedures of the Bureau of Education (BOE), and act as a conduit for policies and procedures specified by the BOE. Therefore, many governments spend much effort to assist schools in outlining a detailed SDP.In Taiwan, although we have started to require SDP from all schools since 1988, the plans have only been used as a basis for grants allocation, and not as a means to improve the efficiency and accountability of our schools on the whole. Our research aims to integrate the theory with the practice, and the experiences of other countries and our own, so that we can find a better way to design a SDP suitable for use in Taiwan’s elementary and secondary schools.Through literature review and focus group interview, it as found that an ideal SDP for Taiwan’s elementary and secondary schools should include the following 5 parts: 1.school vision, 2.school profile, 3. school goals, 4.action plan, and 5.codes of conduct. Members of the focus group also recommend that a SDP be part of the accountability framework.
