
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 教育政策的兩難--以英美當前的教育改革為例
卷期 45
並列篇名 Educational Policies in a Dilemma--Examples of the Current Educational Reforms in the U.S.A. and Britain
作者 周珮儀
頁次 57-83
關鍵字 教育改革教育政策新右派第三途徑Educational policiesEducational reformsThe new rightThe third wayTSSCI
出刊日期 200007




The focus of this study is the experience of the current educational reforms in the U.S.A. and Britain. First, this article attempts to investigate the political right’s and the political left’s ideologies. Then analyze the points of debates involving their educational policies, and the third way as mediator. Implications in educational policies in the R.O.C. are discussed in concluding remarks. Liberalism, socialism, conservatism and the third way, as foundational ideologies of educational policies, their positions are both productive and limited, and they can combine tactically in manifold types. Education policy makers and the masses must examine the legality of educational policies. There has not been the tradition of confrontation between the Right and the Left in the R.O.C. The left especially emphasizes the equitable and just issues that should not be absent in educational policies of the new government that accentuates liberty, efficiency and economic development.
