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篇名 析論現代性與後現代性下學校文化變革之價值危機與出路--學校社群理性取向之論述建構活動
卷期 50:4
並列篇名 The Modern/Postmodern Value Crisis Faced by the Reformation of School Culture(s) and a Possible Solution
作者 王耀庭
頁次 147-174
關鍵字 現代性後現代性價值危機學校社群理性Value crisisSchool community rationalityModernityPostmodernityTSSCI
出刊日期 200412




This article analyzes the modern/postmodern crisis in values faced by school cultural reformation and seeks a solution. This value crisis involves, in the context of modernity, the problems of human alienation, bias due to instrumental values, and self-effacement, and, in the context of postmodernity, the flattening out of ethical values by consumerism, negation of fundamental values, and exclusion of objective value standards. Based on his analysis of this value crisis, the author suggests a solution: the discourse-construction of a given school community’s rationality and a new openness to multiple values may be able to overcome the value-crisis faced by the reformation of school cultures.
