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篇名 G. Vico「詩性智慧」的哲學構造與教育蘊義
卷期 50:3
並列篇名 The Philosophical Structure of G. Vico's
作者 吳靖國
頁次 31-59
關鍵字 詩性智慧教育哲學Poetic wisdomVicoEducational philosophyTSSCI
出刊日期 200409


在《新科學》(New Science)中G. Vico賦予「詩性智慧」作為人類創造民政社會的根本動力,而要理解「詩性智慧」,必然地要放在「人的本性」和「天神意旨」之間的脈絡中來探討,故我們嘗試將「詩性」和「智慧」拆開來討論,讓「詩性」回歸人的自然本性,讓「智慧」扣緊天神意旨的脈絡,而發現這樣的構造不僅僅十分類似於「哲學」的構造(也就是「愛」與「智」兩者的結合),並且蘊含著「教育」的意義。本文之目的即欲藉由對Vico「詩性智慧」的說明,以重返「愛智」之路,並進而探討另一種「教育哲學」的可能性。


In New Science, Vico considered “poetic wisdom” as the essential power for creat?ing civil society. The “poetic wisdom” should be understood in the context of human nature and the divine providence. The notion of poetic wisdom can be divided into “poetic character” and “wisdom”. “Poetic character” initiates from natural hu?man instincts while “wisdom” is related to divine providence. The combination of “poetic character” and “wisdom” is similar to that of “love” and “wisdom” in philosophi?cal structure. This article asserts that Vico’s idea of “poetic wisdom” can help people returning to the love for wisdom. It also indicates another possibility of educational philosophy worthwhile for further investigation.
