
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 美國耶穌會大學通識課程發展與決策模式之個案研究--以喬治城大學為例
卷期 49:2
並列篇名 The Curriculum and its Decision-Making Model in American Jesuit Colleges and Universities: A Case Study of Georgetown University
作者 侯永琪
頁次 175-211
關鍵字 喬治城大學通識教育官僚模式同僚模式政治模式Georgetown UniversityGeneral educationBureau cratic modelCollegial modelPolitical modelTSSCI
出刊日期 200306




     This study is to analyze the decision-making process involved ingeneral education at Georgetown University. This paper is divided into sevenparts, including the introduction, research methodology, theoretical framework,development of general education requirements at Georgetown, decision-makingmodel of the curriculum at Georgetown, and the conclusions. Three managementmodels-the bureaucratic model, the collegial model, and the political model-areused as the theoretical framework to examine the decision-making process incurriculum design. The role of administrators and faculty members as well asthe interaction among them during the process are also discussed.The findings of this study are that: (1)professionalism and multiculturalismare the current trends in curriculum development; (2)lay faculty members areable to participate in the decision-making process of curriculum design; (3)collegial and bureaucratic models are used interchangeably in the decision-making of curriculum design; and (4)given Jesuit tradition and mission, apolitical model rarely prevails in the decision-making process.
