
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 國民中學學生網路使用知識結構與寫作品質的關係
卷期 24:2
並列篇名 The Relation of Students' Knowledge Structure of Using Networks with Article Quality in Junior High School
作者 陳秋雯
頁次 345-365
關鍵字 知識結構評量網路使用知識寫作品質路徑蒐尋網路分析Assessment of knowledge structuresKnowledge about network usageArticle qualityPathfinder network analysisTSSCI
出刊日期 200112


認知和教育心理學開始透過知識導出、知識表徵和參照專家結構等步驟評定學習表現,研究發現:組織良好的知識庫有助於引導學習者產出文章,缺乏某概念理解或存在誤解則影響知識論述的品質。本研究以路徑蒐尋網路分析(pathfinder network analysis)測量29名國三學生網路使用知識結構,在控制一般語文能力情況下,企圖瞭解特定領域知識與寫作品質間的關係。結果發現:盡管t考驗結果僅支持部分研究假設,但是從參照專家路徑蒐尋網路概念結構圖的個案分析,仍暗示受試的知識結構、實際網路使用經驗和寫作完成動機與特定主題結構化論述表現有關。本研究建議未來多次評量或延伸不同知識領域進一步探究知識評量的效度,並協助教師使用路徑蒐尋網路分析診斷學生的概念理解發展語文表達能力。


This cognitive and educational psychology researcher began to assess achievement with the following steps:knowledge induction、knowledge representation, and referencing experts. The finding was that a well-organized knowledge base is the foundation of learner writing. On the other hand, if the learner lacks a key concepts, having some misconceptions, he wont’ finish writing. Controlling linguistic ability, we assessed twenty-nine students’ knowledge structure by using a network with pathfinder network analysis. The findings are :First, the assessment of the group of low linguistic ability supports only one hypothesis;and Shouldrit the hypothesis be mentioned second, the case analysis supports the relation of subjects’ knowledge structure and motivation with writing quality. Finally, the suggestion is the thesis that in the future the validity of knowledge construction assessments are with more assessments and the alternative domain, and helping teachers to find the misconceptions of students with pathfinder network analysis.
