
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 路徑蒐尋網路分析應用於大一心理學學習效果評量之研究
卷期 24:2
並列篇名 An Analysis of Knowledge Structures by the Pathfinder Method--Freshmen Academic Achievement in a Psychology Class
作者 葉倩亨
頁次 421-450
關鍵字 路徑蒐尋法心理學知識結構評量PathfinderPsychologyKnowledge structureAssessmentTSSCI
出刊日期 200112


本研究要是以路徑蒐尋法分析比較大一學生在修習過心理學課程後所形成的心理學知識結構與老師知識結構的異同,並分析學生們的心理學知識結構與學業表現的相關。三十位大一學生依其期中考成績被分為高、中、低能力組,心理學課程授課教師的知識結構為本研究的參照結構。本研究結果如下:(1)學生與教師的知識結構有顯著的差異。(2)高能力組與低能力組的PFC指數值有顯著差異,中等能力組與低能力組的亦有顯著差異;在GTD指數上 ,則只有高能力與低能力組有顯著差異。(3)PFC, PRX, GTD三相似指數間兩兩之間達顯著正相關。(4)PFC與GTD指數在三指數中與學業表現成績關係最密切。此研究結果顯示:(1)路徑蒐尋法(在本研究中,除了PRX指數外)能有效區別不同能力組別的學生。(2)三指數間兩兩呈現正相關。(3)PFC和GTD指數值與學業表達顯著正相關,其中PFC指數的解釋變異量最高。文末,根據研究結果針對教師提出具體建議,亦含括未來進一步研究之方向,以促進知識結構評量更臻完善。


The main purpose of this research is to compare the differences and similarities of the knowledge structures among Freshmen and their instructor, which result in various academic performances of students in a psychology class and analyze the correlation between the Freshmen’s knowledge structures and their academic performance in the psychology course. Thirty subjects were categorized into different ability groups (high, middle, and low groups)based on their scores on the terms exam. The knowledge structure of the instructor in this study was the referential. The result of this study is as follow:(1)There is a significant difference between the knowledge structures of students and the instructor;(2)There is a significant difference between the high and the low, and the middle and low groups according to the PFC index;and according to the PRX index it was only found between the high ad low groups;(3)GTD, PFC, PRX indices were significantly correlated with each other;(4)PFC and GTD indices were most related to academic performance among the three indices.The results of this study showed:(1)The path finder method effectively (except for the PRX index in this study)discriminated subjects with different abilities.(2)The three indices were correlated with each other. (3)PFC and GTD indices were significantly correlated with academic performance ability. PFC index had the best effect among the three indices.Finally, some recommendations are also given based on the research results, including the possible further research direction in the future, so as to facilitate the ultimate goal of elaborated knowledge-structure evaluation.
