
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 國小學童後設語言覺知之測量及其與認字能力之相關研究
卷期 23:2
並列篇名 The Measurement of Meta-linguistic Awareness and the Relationship between Meta-linguistic Awareness and Chinese Character Recognition Among Elementary School Students
作者 傅淳鈴黃秀霜
頁次 383-414
關鍵字 後設語言覺知中文認字測量Meta-linguistic awarenessChinese character recognitionMeasurementTSSCI
出刊日期 200012




The purpose of this study was to measure meta-linguistic awareness and the relationship between meta-linguistic awareness and Chinese character recognition among elementary school students from grades 1 to 3. The study was divided into development study and relationship study. In the development study, the purpose was to investigate the development of meta-linguistic awareness. On the other hand, the relationship study was to investigate the relationship between meta-linguistic awareness ability and Chinese character recognition ability. Participants were 117 elementary schoolers from grades 1 to 3. The test materials in the research included:Phonological Awareness Test, Tone Awareness Test, Morpheme Awareness Test, and the Graded Chinese Character Reading Test. The results of the study were summarized as follows:(1)The results showed that phonological awareness ability was significantly different in the various grade levels. (2)The performance on the Tone Awareness Test was not different from grade 1 to grade 3. (3)There was significant difference on the Morpheme Awareness Test among the 3 grades. (4)Meta-linguistic awareness was significantly related to Chinese character recognition ability. Moreover, morpheme awareness was a significant predictor for Chinese character recognition ability.
