
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 教師的數學教學知識與其對兒童數學知識認知之探討
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 An Investigation of Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge and the Knowledge of Children's Cognition in Mathematics
作者 黃幸美
頁次 73-98
關鍵字 數學教學知識對兒童數學知識的認知Pedagogical content knowledgeChildren's cognition in mathematicsTSSCI
出刊日期 200006




This study examined elementary school teachers’ mathematics knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and the knowledge of children’s cognition in mathematics. Teachers exhibited middle and upper level of basic mathematics knowledge. Three types of children’s difficulties in mathematical learning were indicated from teachers:(a)The difficulty of understanding concepts and the operation process;(b)The difficulty of practical operation in problem solving;(c)Children may imitate teachers’ solution without understanding the mathematical concepts well. Three types of pedagogical knowledge were indicated from teachers:(a)The oral explanation and demonstration by teachers;(b) Providing children with mathematical exercises to master learning;and (c)The collaborative learning and discuss in mathematical problem solving. The results show the canonical correlation between pedagogical knowledge and the knowledge of children’s cognition in mathematics. Further analysis of teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge as well as revision in teacher education programs designed to integrate content and pedagogy are suggested.
