
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 認知型態與網路教學課程採用行為意向之實證研究
卷期 29:4
並列篇名 An Empirical Study of Web-based Learning Adoption in the Behavioral and Cognitive Styles
作者 余泰魁
頁次 687-717
關鍵字 結構方程式模型網路教學模式比較Structural equation modelingWeb-based learningModel comparingTSSCI
出刊日期 200612




As the various applications of the World Wide Web rapidly grow, higher education institutions are providing more web-based learning programs in which the instructor and learner are separated by distance or time. A web-based course should therefore be designed to address a variety of learning styles. The web design itself should consider the learner’s cognitive style in a meaningful manner. Profiling characteristics of students who enroll and succeed with distance education programs could provide designers with insights that could help more students succeed. This study attempts to apply planned behavior theory as it relates to the electronic learning system’s instructional characteristics. For this study, 627 valid questionnaires were divided into two groups (intuition and analysis) according to a learner’s cognitive style. The study constructed the basic model of each group’s behavioral disposition in a web-based learning course, and then proceeded with a multi-group test. Through the examination of the structural equation modeling on the multi-group samples, at a .05 significance level, the path coefficients of “subject normal” on “intention to use” and “perceived ease of use” on “attitude” have no significant influence. Finally, the study concludes with a discussion of the limitations and implications for further research and practice.
