
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 教室中植栽對國中學生心理、行為及健康之影響
卷期 29:4
並列篇名 The Influences of Plants in Classrooms on Junior High School Students' Psychology, Behavior, and Health
作者 韓可宗林桓丞
頁次 719-744
關鍵字 偏好舒適度友善感病假時數不當行為PreferenceComfortnessFriendlinessSick leaveMisbehaviorTSSCI
出刊日期 200612




There is growing evidence to support the notion that contact with nature is helpful for emotion, attention, mental fatigue, behavior, and health. This study adopts a quasi-experiment approach to investigate the effects of plants in a classroom on students’ psychology, physiology, and behavior. This study was a control series design, which covered a whole semester (from September 6 2004 to January 21 2005). Two classes of sophomores at a junior high school (8th grade, n = 76) served as the experiment and the control groups, which were surveyed about every other week for 10 times (4 pre-tests in the baseline phase and 6 post-tests in the manipulation phase). Results indicated that after the plants were placed in the classroom, the experiment group had immediately significantly stronger feelings of preference, comfortness, and friendliness, as compared to the control group. Also, the experiment group had significant fewer hours of sick leave and punishment records due to misbehavior than the control group. This suggests that plants in a classroom have positive influences on students’ health and behavior.
