
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 我國大學校院社會資本、知識取得與創新活動之研究:外部網絡的觀點
卷期 29:2
並列篇名 Social Capital, Knowledge Acquisition and Innovation Behavior for the Universities in Taiwan: Perspectives of External Networks
作者 蘇國楨蔡子安
頁次 267-289
關鍵字 社會資本知識取得創新活動大學校院Social capitalKnowledge acquisitionInnovation behaviorExternal networksTSSCI
出刊日期 200606




This paper aims to discuss the impact of social capital of Taiwanese universities on knowledge acquisition and innovation behavior based on the perspectives of external networks. First, the focus is to address related theories and establish seven basic assumptions. Second, the research implements an empirical survey on 216 professors in Taiwanese universities. The result has shown that structural dimension positively influences cognitive dimension; Both structural dimension and cognitive dimension of social capital in the universities have positive impact on relational dimension; structural dimension, cognitive dimension and relational dimension positively influence knowledge acquisition; In addition, knowledge acquisition also has positive effect on innovation behavior.
