
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 校長科技領導層面與實施現況之研究
卷期 29:1
並列篇名 The Study of the Dimensions and Implementation of the Elementary School Principals' Technology Leadership
作者 秦夢群張奕華
頁次 1-27
關鍵字 科技領導領導學院資訊科技Technology leadershipLeadership academyInformation technologyTSSCI
出刊日期 200603




The principals' role as an educational leader has changed dramatically, while principals have quickly become leaders who promote and support new educational technologies. The intent of this study is to measure the dimensions and implementation of the principals' technology leadership in Taiwan. The SEM was employed for measurement of the five dimensions including: (1) evaluation and research; (2) vision, planning, and management; (3) interpersonal and communication skills; (4) technology and infrastructure; and (5) staff development and training. As shown in this study, the five dimensions of technology leadership provide possible alternatives to assist principals in developing the knowledge and skills necessary to use technology and enhance their effectiveness as leaders in their schools.
