
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 推論力係數估算法之模擬研究
卷期 28:4
並列篇名 A Simulation Study on Estimators for G-Coefficient of Generaliziability Theory
作者 楊志堅蘇啟明
頁次 773-797
關鍵字 推論力理論變異成分Generalizability theoryVariance componentsMLEREMLMINQUETSSCI
出刊日期 200512




In this study, we compare ANOVA, MLE, REML, and MINQUE in estimating variance components and G-coefficients of generaliziability theory for evaluating reliability of alternative assessments. The three-way ANOVA design was used to simulate aritifial datasets for the comparisions of estimators under various experimental conditions. When sample sizes are small, MLE perform the best and is followed by REML while ANOVA and MINQUE have the worst accuracy rates; no matter the designs are balanced, unbalanced, or nested. MLE has lower accuracy rates than REML does in estimating G coefficients. When differences between variance components increase, the differences in accurately estimating G-coefficients increase too; in particular, ANOVA and MINQUE methods may generate negative G coefficients. Performances of the four estimators become very similar when sample sizes are large enough. On the other hand, they can all perform poorly when it is unbalanced design with large variances.
