
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 大學生自殺歷程模式之驗證:生死態度與無望感為中介
卷期 28:4
並列篇名 Attitude Toward Death and Hopelessness as Mediators: A Test of a Suicidal Model in College Population
作者 許淑瑛張素凰
頁次 721-744
關鍵字 憂鬱症狀無望感生死態度問題解決缺失自殺意念DepressionHopelessnessDeath attitudeProblem solving deficitSuicidal ideationTSSCI
出刊日期 200512


本研究之目的在於探討憂鬱與自殺意念間之可能的影響因素。經由問卷調查法,以大專校院學生為對象(N = 475),以貝克憂鬱量表、多元態度自殺傾向量表、貝克無望量表、社會問題解決量表?修正版及自殺意念量表為研究工具,本研究進行潛在變項路徑分析來檢驗大學生之自殺歷程模式的適切性。研究結果模型契合度良好,顯示大學生受試者之自殺歷程模式具有相當的適切性,即生死態度與無望感為憂鬱至自殺意念之中介歷程變項,在自殺歷程中扮演著重要的角色。另外,問題解決能力與憂鬱症狀存在共變關係。本文針對未來的研究方向提出討論。


This study investigated some possible mediators which linked depression and suicidal ideation. The participants consisted of 475 college students. The instrument included Depressive Inventory, Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency Scale, Hopelessness Scale, Social Problem-Solving Inventory, and Scale for Suicide Ideation. The data were submitted to structural equation modeling (SEM)with latent variables to test the fitness of the hypothesized model. The SEM resulted in acceptable fit of the model to account for the proposed process model of suicidality for the college sample. Specifically, hopelessness and attitude toward life and death played important roles in mediating depression and suicidal ideation. Furthermore, problem solving deficit was co-varied with depression. The implications of the present findings and future research possibilities are discussed.
