
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 青少年約會衝突因應策略量表之發展
卷期 28:3
並列篇名 Development of the Coping Strategy of Adolescent Dating Conflict Inventory
作者 黃登月王文中
頁次 469-494
關鍵字 約會衝突因應策略試題反應理論Rasch模式試題差異功能Coping strategy of dating conflictItem response theoryRasch modelDifferential item functioningTSSCI
出刊日期 200509


本研究旨在發展適用於青少年約會衝突因應策略量表。我們先以訪談表進行半結構式之訪談,對象為13歲至23歲北、中、南地區學校男、女有約會經驗的青少年共22人,結果顯示約會衝突因應策略包括理性策略、口語衝突、心理傷害、肢體(性)傷害。正式量表樣本分為一般及轉介兩組:一般組為一年內有約會經驗之青少年,共360位;轉介組為輔導教師評定明顯具嚴重約會衝突而有因應行為,共45位。我們並針對性別進行試題差異功能(differential item functioning)分析。最後得到理性量表10題、非理性量表62題,共72題。各量表的Rasch信度或內部一致性a係數介於 .80到 .89之間,間隔4週的再測相關(再測信度)則介於 .82到 .89之間,同時效度約介於 .87到 .97之間。簡式量表共25題,信度介於 .77到 .79之間,簡式量表與長式量表之間有高相關達 .94到1.00之間。


The purposes of this research were to develop an inventory for coping strategies of dating conflict that is suitable for Taiwan adolescent population. Semi-structured interview was conducted to identify causes and coping strategies of adolescent dating conflict. Subjects were 22 youngsters, aging from 13 to 23. They were sampled from northern, middle, and southern Taiwan. Results showed that the coping strategies of dating conflict included rational and irrational strategies. Irrational strategies consisted of verbal aggression, mental hurt, and physical (sexual) violence. Test items were then written and administered to two groups: One consisted of 45 adolescents who had serious dating conflicts and were recommended by school guidance directors, and the other consisted of 360 ordinary students. Differential item functioning between genders was assessed. The final version consisted of 10 items for the Rational Coping Strategy of Dating Conflict, and 62 items for the Irrational Coping Strategy of Dating Conflict. Test reliabilities of the four scales ranged from .80 to .89. Four-week test-retest reliabilities ranged from .82 to .89. Concurrent validities of these four scales ranged from .87 to .97. The short version of the scales consisted of 10 rational strategy items and 15 irrational strategy items, with test reliabilities ranging from .77 to .79. They were very highly correlated with the long version (ranging from .94 to 1.00).
