
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 建構生活課程發展評鑑指標--精釋研究法在指標建構上的應用
卷期 28:1
並列篇名 Construct the Indicators for Evaluating the Development of the Life Curriculum: The Application of Hermeneutics to Construct Indicators
作者 郭昭佑陳美如洪若烈
頁次 1-20
關鍵字 生活課程評鑑指標教育評鑑課程評鑑Education evaluationCurriculum evaluationEvaluation indicatorLife curriculumTSSCI
出刊日期 200503




The life curriculum is a critical stage of development in current curriculum reform. In order to provide references for school’s teachers in evaluation, this study aims at constructing the indicators used to evaluate the development of the life curriculum. Owing to the initial exploration and the participation of college specialists and school expects, the researcher adopted the Hermeneutic method to construct evaluation indicators of the life curriculum by reflecting expert’s opinions on those indicators. The researcher has developed 30 indicators based upon three stages of curriculum development including design, implement and outcome. In addition, the researcher further examined the application of these indicators to the life curriculum.
