
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 從課室言談與課程結構看教育改革的契機
卷期 28:1
並列篇名 Chance of Educational Reform Manifested in Classroom Discourse and Curriculum Framework
作者 簡楚瑛
頁次 49-74
關鍵字 課室言談教學目標討論教學法教師知識社會建構論Classroom discourseTeaching aimsDiscussion teaching methodTeachers' knowledgeSocial constructivismTSSCI
出刊日期 200503




The aim of this research is to find out the teaching problems from analyzing the discourse and curriculum structure in a class. The research sample is an experienced teacher in a private kindergarten, and the pedagogical belief based on constructivism and child-centered ideology. Data were collected by observation in class, documentation and interviewing. Qualitative research method is adopted to analyze and understand the meaning in the text. To find out the teaching issues through the data analysis.Three issues are discussed here: (1) the role of teaching aims and goals in teaching process, (2) discussion teaching method, (3) teacher’s knowledge. (1) Aims and goals in teaching process: explore the problems which concerning about the correlations among the levels and developmental consideration, flexibility, chanciness and temporality of the aims and goals. (2) Discussion method: focus on the types, characteristics, skills and teacher-student relationship in discussion teaching. (3) Teacher’s knowledge: center on the pedagogical content knowledge.Finally, discuss the meaning of ideology of child-center in open education from the research result. The very foundational intention of this research is to highlight the role of the teacher training institutions and the teachers in promoting the quality of early childhood education.
