
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 Rasch測量理論與其在教育和心理之應用
卷期 27:4
並列篇名 Rasch Measurement Theory and Application in Education and Psychology
作者 王文中
頁次 637-694
關鍵字 心理測量客觀測量等距量尺試題反應理論古典測驗理論Psychological measurementObjective measurementInterval scaleItem response theoryClassical test theoryTSSCI
出刊日期 200412


本文闡述Rasch模式(Rasch, 1960)之基本原理、發展、應用、網路資源。首先,利用牛頓第二運動定律,說明Rasch模式中的量尺具有客觀等距的特性。接著比較Rasch模式與多參數試題反應模式之異同,和評論Rasch模式在測驗實務上的影響。從六大趨勢中,勾勒出Rasch模式近年來之發展。透過數個實證資料分析,具體說明Rasch模式之應用。最後,本文簡單條列國內學者近五年在此一領域之期刊論文、國內外相關的書籍、期刊、學術研討會、電腦軟體及網站等資源。


This paper describes the foundations, developments, applications and resources of the Rasch model (Rasch, 1960). Using Newton’s Second Law of Motion, I show how the scale of the Rasch model is objective and interval. The similarity and difference between the Rasch model and multi-parameter logistic models are addressed. Impacts of the Rasch model on testing practice are commented. Six major trends in the developments of the Rasch model are outlined. Applications of the family of Rasch models are illustrated through several empirical examples. Finally, academic journal papers of domestic researchers in recent five years on the topics of the Rasch model and item response theory are listed. Relevant textbooks, journals, conferences, computer programs, and websites are briefly introduced.
