
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 A Confirmatory Study on Self-Efficacy, Goal Setting, Attribution, and English Achievement in College Students: The Longitudinal Design
卷期 27:3
並列篇名 大專生自我效能、目標設定、歸因與英語成就的驗證性研究:縱貫性設計
作者 邱文彬萬金生林泰安
頁次 507-525
關鍵字 目標設定自我效能英語成就歸因AttributionEnglish achievementGoal settingSelf-efficacyTSSCI
出刊日期 200409




The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of attribution on English self-efficacy and the relationships among self-efficacy, goal setting, and English achievement in college students. 335 freshmen in a two-year college were used as participants in this one-year longitudinal study. Results show that the beneficial attributers possessed higher self-efficacy than individuals with less beneficial attribution. Further, it was shown that college students with higher self-efficacy achieved better proficiency level during the consecutive English proficiency tests every half-year. Meanwhile, those with higher self-efficacy are likely to set higher goal level for the subsequent tests, and those with higher goal setting have performed better than those with lower goal setting. Together findings in this study show that the effective way to improve English performance in college students might lie in how to militate the beneficial attribution manners and increase the self-efficacy as well as set higher and reasonable goal level.
