
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 幼兒園園長領導之個案研究
卷期 27:3
並列篇名 The Case Study of Director's Leadership in the Kindergarten
作者 蘇慧貞簡楚瑛
頁次 429-456
關鍵字 質性研究園長領導幼兒園Qualitative researchThe leadership of directorsKindergartenTSSCI
出刊日期 200409




This study qualitative researches to explore a director’s leadership in the kindergarten. The aim is to understand how director Mrs. Lee (faint name) led the kindergarten from the date she went in. Also how she sculptures the image of the kindergarten. Within one and half years the researcher interviewed, observed, filed and took note to collect all the data. Then used grounded theory to analysis and find she clearly used “assessment” as the dividing line in her leadership of curriculum and teaching. Internal and external inferences were likes: “assessment, director’s experiences and abilities, also individual personality” will cross interferences with Mrs. Lee’s leadership.
