
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 臺灣地區出身背景對大學及研究所入學機會影響
卷期 27:2
並列篇名 Influence of Background on the Opportunity to Enter College and Graduate School in Taiwan
作者 曾天韻
頁次 255-281
關鍵字 大學及研究所教育公立大學實用科系教育機會均等College and graduate schoolPublic collegePractical departmentEquality in educational opportunityTSSCI
出刊日期 200406




Background is an important factor to influence one’s education, occupation, income and subjective social status. In Taiwan, economic development advanced education expansion and people accepted higher education than before. Does it correspond to the principle of equality that everyone owns equal opportunity to enter college and graduate school?This research used the nationwide sample (N = 4313) “1997 Social Change Survey”, collected by Academic Sinica to do logic regression. The major findings are as follow:1.The higher father’s occupation and education, the higher probability of entering or advancing to college. The higher mother’s education, the higher probability of entering to college and graduate school, but lower to public college. Female’s probability of entering or advancing to college and graduate school is lower than male’s. The gap is enlarging in higher education level, but not in entering to public college.2.One Studied in public college or majored in practical department had higher probability to enter graduate school. More youngers and males had majored in practical department, it promoted the probability of advancing to graduate school. The lower urbanization of birthplace, the higher probability of entering to public schools, but the lower probability of advancing to graduate college.3.Except the gender, the influence of background on probability of advancing is lowering as the up of education level.
