
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 優質的A型兒童存在嗎?--以自我態度、自我效能、學業成就分析之
卷期 27:1
並列篇名 Do Type A Children with Fine Character Really Exist?: Analyze from Self-attitude, Self-efficiency, and Academic Achievement
作者 胡悅倫
頁次 1-28
關鍵字 兒童A型行為多向性ChildrenType A behaviorMultidimensionalityTSSCI
出刊日期 200403




The purpose of this study is to assess the multidimensionality of Type A Behavior Pattern (TABP) in children. The subjects are 248 fourth graders in Shi-Chi elementary school.The correlation between the total score in Type A scale and self-attitude is not significant. However, probe into the correlation between the three subscales shows that competition-achievement, and aggression-hostility subscales are heterogeneous but equally contribute to total score in Type A scale. Therefore, this finding also shows that Type A behavior in children is not a global concept, but a multidimen?sional concept. The similar findings were proved in other variables (self-efficiency and academic achievement).Besides, when we separate the subjects into four groups, which are: the ANOVA outcome shows that the low hostility/high achievement children are mentally healthier and perform better than children in the other three groups. This study shows that Type A with fine character do exists.
