
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 影響電腦課程教學效果之情境因素探討
卷期 26:4
並列篇名 The Contingency Factors Influencing the Teaching Performances in Computer Courses
作者 黃秀慧許文楷
頁次 595-613
關鍵字 電腦態度教學效果情境因素Computers attitudesTeaching performancesContingency factorsTSSCI
出刊日期 200312




Because of the development of computer information technology, computer education has become an important issue in the fundamental college curriculum in Taiwan. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the teaching performances of computer courses for the students of technology institutes. This paper classifies the teaching facilities, the teaching content and the prior computer knowledge of students as the contingency factors and investigates how they influence the teaching performances. The results indicated that the last two contingency factors significantly affect the teaching performances and the teaching facility factor did not. Besides, some student demographic factors also influenced the contingency factors and the teaching performances. The results of this research could provide some teaching information for teachers of compute course.
