
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 Faculty Attitude towards Student Ratings: Do the Resultant Ratings Scores Matter?
卷期 26:3
並列篇名 不同評鑑結果之教師對「學生評鑑教師教學」態度之比較
作者 張德勝
頁次 385-405
關鍵字 學生評鑑教師教學大學教師評鑑評鑑分數態度Student ratings of instructionFaculty evaluationEvaluation scoresAttitudeTSSCI
出刊日期 200309


本研究主要的目的在比較「學生評鑑教師教學」結果得高分的教師與得低分的教師對於「學生評鑑教師教學」的態度。研究對象為八十八學年度第二學期國立花蓮師範學院七十位教師。研究工具有兩種,第一種是教師對「學生評鑑教師教學」態度的調查問卷(the Attitude towards Student Ratings of Instruction Questionnaire, ASRI),主要是了解教師對「學生評鑑教師教學」的看法;另一種工具是「國立花蓮師範學院教學意見反映調查表」(the student Ratings of Instruction form, SRI),主要是了解學生對教師教學的滿意度。研究結果顯示,高分教師在評鑑目的(教師升等參考)與評鑑結果應用(教學獎勵、約聘、升等、學生選課、公佈在學校刊物)兩方面顯著高於低分教師;而在負面影響方面(好的教學未必得高分、教師會降低要求)則顯著低於低分教師。另外,在評鑑關注及評鑑所應包含的內容兩分面,兩組教師則無顯著差異。


The purpose of this study has been to investigate the attitude of college educators towards student ratings as a functions of the scores that individual faculty members actually receive in those ratings. The sample consisted of 70 faculty members at National Hualien Teachers College. The Attitude towards Student Ratings of Instruction Questionnaire and the Student Ratings of Instruction form (SRI), applied in the study.Along with many points of agreement, the results indicate some quite statistically significant difference in perceptions of the faculty who, were divided into two groups: those receiving high scores in the rating and those receiving low scores. The areas of concern where the two groups are significantly different include one item from “the purposes”, two items from “the negative effects”, and five items from ”the applications of student ratings”. There is no statistical mean difference on the “ concerns about student ratings” and the “components of student ratings”. The high-ratings faculty members show more agreement with the use of student ratings in providing references for faculty promotion. The high-rated faculty members are discovered to feel more positive about the applications of student ratings as input for personnel decisions such as teaching awards, job contracts, and promotions. Also, they are more positive towards using student ratings as information to assist students in their selection of courses and instructors and for publication in school journals.
