
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 大學生約會暴力行為之測量與調查
卷期 26:3
並列篇名 The Measurement and Investigation of Dating Violence among College Students
作者 修慧蘭孫頌賢
頁次 471-499
關鍵字 受暴約會關係約會暴力施暴盛行率Dating relationshipDating violencePerpetrationPrevalenceVictimizationTSSCI
出刊日期 200309


本研究以問卷調查方式,瞭解大學生約會關係中發生暴力行為之盛行率與兩性差異,並以Straus的約會暴力行為理論為基礎,重新修編『大學生約會暴力行為量表』為測量工具。有效正式問卷共1021份,男女生各佔40%與60%。研究結果包括:1.約會暴力內涵可分為嚴重暴力、輕微暴力、性與親密暴力與考與暴利等四因素結構;2.高達六成左右的大學生自陳曾經遭受或表現約會暴力的經驗,但多以偶爾一、二次的發生頻率為主;3.高達48%的受試者屬於『同時受暴與施暴』; 4.男性除在施加性與親密暴力上明顯高於女性外,兩性在嚴重暴力上並無差異,而在口語與輕微暴力上,並無明顯證據說明兩性誰較趨向經驗到受暴或表現施暴,而男性受害情形亦不可忽視;5.有同居經驗者有較高趨勢會發生約會暴力行為;6.受暴行為與施暴行為有配對關係。依據以上結果,本研究針對諮商實務工作與未來研究提出建議與討論。


The purpose of this research is to investigate the prevalence and gender difference of dating violence among college students. There are 1021 effective questionnaires received with 60% females and 40% males. The results are: (1) There are serious violence, minor violence, sex-intimate violence, and verbal violence that compose daring violence. (2) Almost 60% of those sampled report that they have experienced or represented dating violence, but the frequency of main violence behavior is only once or twice times in their experience. (3) 48% of those sampled are part of “both victimization as perpetration”. (4) The percentage of male’s sex-intimate violence is higher than female’s, but serious violence is indifferent. There is no evidence to indicate that males or females are victims or perpetrators in minor violence or verbal violence, but the male’s degree of victim is higher than female’s in these violent acts. The statement of male victimization is valuable to investigate. (5) The college students who have cohabitated have higher tendency to encounter dating violence. (6) Victimization makes pair with perpetration. Based on these findings, implications for practice and further research are addressed as well.
