
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 教師人數逐漸以女性為主流嗎?
卷期 26:1
並列篇名 Are Female Teachers Becoming the Majority?
作者 許崇憲
頁次 61-83
關鍵字 教師性別時間數列分析TeacherGenderTime series analysisTSSCI
出刊日期 200303




In recent years, the percentage of female teachers at all levels has been gradually increasing. Does it imply that female teachers are becoming the majority?Or is it a random phenomenon?By means of time series analysis, the author discovered:first, in elementary schools, the growth of the number of teachers accorded with that of female teachers;second, in high schools, we could predict the total number of teachers according to the number of either sex;third, in higher education, it was difficult to established which sex is the majority ;finally, we could predict the number of female students in seven years on the basis of the number of female teachers in the current year. The author also discussed that limitation of the research and possible approaches for future research.
