
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 自我概念向度與成份雙維理論之效度檢驗與相關因素研究
卷期 26:1
並列篇名 Examination of Validity and Related Concepts for the Dimension/Component Model of Self-Concept on Adolescence
作者 邱皓政
頁次 85-131
關鍵字 自我概念學業自我概念非學業自我概念結構方程模式青少年青少年多元自我概念Self-ConceptAcademic self-conceptNon-Academic self-conceptStructural equation modelingAdolescent running headTSSCI
出刊日期 200303


本研究的目的是在探討青少年自我概念的多元分化建構,以及與其他相關因素之間的關係。在自我概念的理論建構上,本研究基於Michael與 Smith(1976)及Shavelson, Hubner 與Stanton(1976)的多元理論,提出一個向度與成份雙維多元自我概念模式,並以結構方程模式的驗證性因素分析(SEMI-CFA)來驗證向度/成份雙維模型的適切性。研究樣本為1576位來自三個都會區與兩個鄉村地區的高中、高職及五專層級青少年學生,平均年齡17.27歲。經過項目分析的檢驗,本研究所編製的多元自我概念概念量表Cronbach’s α係數達.85。驗證性因素分析的結果支持了兩組相依的初階因素的存在,其中包括了相依的十個學業(academic)與非學業性(non-academic)自我概念的不同子向度,以及四個相依的成份因素,證實了雙維模式的適切性。然而,十個不同向度的高階因素模式並未獲得統計支持,顯示這十個自我概念因子有獨立存的必要。本研究進一步的檢驗了相關背景變項、家庭影響、社會支持、心理需求概念與多元自我概念的關係,亦探討了自我概念與學業表現的關聯,試圖對於自我概念的相關現象進行全面的檢驗,最後本研究指出了理論驗證的意義與相關因素分析的結果,並檢討研究的限制與未來研究的建議。


This study is to examine the model of multi-dimensional self-concept on adolescents and the relationships with the other variables. Based on Michael & Smith (1976)and Shavelson et alos(1976)multidimensional theory of self-concept, adolescent self-concept will be deposited into different domain areas(academic and non-academic)and into different components. Each of the two main domain areas may furthermore develop into different parts, depending on different domains of academic activities;also, non-academic self-concept may have different dimensions, depending on different contents of developmental targets. The sample if 1576 high-school level students located in three different areas(south, north, and middle)of Taiwan. Research instruments include a multifaceted self-concept scale along with measures of self-esteem, self-monitoring, anxiety, and needs. The theoretical structure of multidimensional self-concept was examined by confirmatory factor analysis of structural equation modeling, proving the factorial validity of the scale. A correlated ten-dimensional / four-component self-concept model was proved as the best concept. The influences of family types, sex, school types, and psychological need on self-concepts were analyzed. Finally, the limitations and further research suggestions were discussed.
