
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 臺灣學術研究資源的分配--教師知覺與歸因理論
卷期 26:1
並列篇名 Factors Influencing Access to Academic Resources in Taiwan--Testing the Attribution Theory of Faculty Perception
作者 田芳華
頁次 133-165
關鍵字 高等教育學術資源研究生產力歸因理論國科會Higher educationAcademic resourceResearch productivityAttribution theoryNational Science CouncilTSSCI
出刊日期 200303




The purpose of this study is to explore faculty perceptions on the major factors of winning academic resources in Taiwan. Four different types of academic resources investigated in this article are:(1)The NSC(National Science Council)Study and Sabbatical Grant;(2)The NSC Research Proposal Grant;(3)The NSC Research Outcome Grant;and (4)grants from other Non-NSC institutions. Seven major factors are explored. They are:research performance of the applicant, the importance of a research proposal, the applicant’s personal network in the academic community, the applicant’s personal network in the granting institution, the prestige of the applicant’s institution, luck, and other factors.The results indicate that the relative importance of factors varies with different types of research grants. Among different factors, research performance and the importance of a research proposal are rated as the most influential ones for wining academic resources. Compared to the grants distributed by the NSC, the importance of a personal network in the granting institution was ranked higher in winning the N-non-NSC research grants. The results also show that the attribution theory is supported by the data. Faculty who won academic resources expressed different ranking patterns from faculty who did not. The former tend to rank research performance higher than the latter, and the latter tend to rate the importance of a personal network and institutional prestige higher than those who won resources.
