
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 國小三年級唸名速度緩慢學童與一般學童閱讀認知能力之比較
卷期 31:1
並列篇名 Comparisons of Reading-related Abilities between Third-grade Slow Namers and Regular Peers in Rapid Automatized Naming Speed
作者 張毓仁曾世杰
頁次 179-203
關鍵字 唸名速度聲韻覺識閱讀理解Rapid automatized namingPhonological awarenessReading comprehensionTSSCI
出刊日期 200803




Researcher used digit naming tests to identify 46 first-grade slow naming students (SN), whose naming time for digits were below the lowest 5% in the population, in their first week of schooling. A matched group of 46 regular students were selected based on gender, IQ, and SES. Three years later, when students were in third grade, reading-related tests were administered to examine the differences between the two groups. The major findings are summarised as follows: (a) The SN group lagged behind their counterparts on all dependent variables such as tone awareness, phonological awareness, Chinese characters recognition, reading comprehension, and reading achievement. (b) In the SN group, but not in the control group, the naming speeds measured in our naming tests negatively correlated with reading-related abilities. (c) Again, only in SN group, the regression analysis indicated that the naming speeds were good predictors of Chinese character recognition and reading achievement, whereas phonological awareness, a valid predictor of reading comprehension. Implications and suggestions for future research were provided.
