
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 結構化教師甄試口試之初步調查
卷期 31:1
並列篇名 The Study of Structured Teacher Interview
作者 胡悅倫
頁次 65-96
關鍵字 教師甄試口試結構化Teacher selectionInterviewStructuredTSSCI
出刊日期 200803




The objective of this study is to understand the structured level of Taiwan’s teacher selection system, thus promoting the validity of Taiwan’s teacher selection system.
The subjects were interviewees of the Taipei County District 2004 joint high school teacher selection. A total of 215 effectives questionnaires are collected, consists of 131 males and 84 females. Survey instrument is the self-designed “High School Teacher Selection Interview Survey Questionnaire”. The test-retest reliability coefficient of the questionnaire is about .50 with significance level of .05. The validity of the questionnaire was based on the expert validity, which was satisfying.
The general definition of a structured interview can be organized into fifteen dimensions. For example, to establish interview questions based on job analysis, to use of anchored rating scales and interview training. Results showed that the teacher selection interviews, in Taipei County, are in a low structured state.
The most overwhelming confusion among the interviewers is the lack of ability to propose the appropriate questions and to evaluate responses. Taiwan is still quite unfamiliar to the issue of structured interviews. Such a problem will damage the reliability and validity of Taiwan’s teacher selection.
