
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 模糊統計在分析樂觀量表之應用
卷期 25:3
並列篇名 Fuzzy Sampling Surveys with Applications for Index of Optimism Scale
作者 胡悅倫吳柏林
頁次 457-484
關鍵字 模糊統計隸屬度函數樂觀量表Fuzzy sampling surveyMembership functionsIndex of optimismTSSCI
出刊日期 200212


樂觀(Optimism)是指個人對於發生在自己身上的事物能採取正向角度來看待,而現今對於樂觀此一特質的測量,主要採取自陳量表與投射測驗兩種方式。而所有與樂觀研究有關的自陳量表中又以Scheier & Carver(1987)編製的生活導向測驗量表(Life Orientation Test,簡稱LOT)最常被使用。然而傳統的LOT具有評分與答題方式上的缺點存在,因此本研究即提出模糊理論的統計模式,以期能針對過去自陳量表的缺失予以改進,以便能更正確的瞭解個體的內在感受與想法。傳統問卷設計與分析,常用勾選的方式讓受訪者在數個選項中選出唯一一個答案。問題是當受訪者的回答不只一個時,單一選答的結果,可能造成資料難以精準地反映事實真相。本文即是利用模糊邏輯概念來改良傳統之LOT 樂觀量表,允許受訪者在數個選項中填寫隸屬度,以改進原量表恐無法精確反應受試者樂觀程度之缺失。


Optimism means that people can take things happening to themselves from a positive point of view. Two major ways to assess the personality of optimism these days are using self-report scales and projective tests. Above all self-report scales used in optimism related research, the Life Orientation Test made by Scheier & Carver(1987)is the most popular one. However, the original LOT has disadvantages with its point system and way of answering, therefore, in order to improve these shortcomings, and to understand people’s inner feelings and thinking more accurately, we propose a statistics model of fuzzy theory in this research.The design and analysis of a traditional questionnaire usually uses a checklist for answering, and asks subjects to choose only on answer for each item. The problem is when the subject has more than one answer on his/her mind, asking the subject to make only on decision for each item might make the data inaccurate. Hence, in this research, we use the concept of fuzzy theory to improve the original Life Orientation Test. The way to improve the shortcomings of the original scale is that subjects in this research can make several answers for each item and can give each answer a percentage.
