
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 建構取向教學∕指導教學對國小學童數學成績及學習適應之影響:以臺南市為例
卷期 25:3
並列篇名 The Influence of Constructional Approach Teaching and Direct Teaching on Mathematics in an Elementary School in Tainan City
作者 鄭燿男
頁次 585-613
關鍵字 建構取向教學指導教學學習適應數學成績Constructional approach teachingDirect teachingLearning adapatationMathematics gradesTSSCI
出刊日期 200212




Constructional approach teaching will become the mainstream for future mathematics teaching, but many parents and teachers have doubts about it. Some think that constructional approach teaching brings about a drop in grades of students a decrease in their mathematical ability. Others think that direct teaching will hinder thinking ability and learning interests of students. These various concerns are due to a lack of actual data. So this study uses data to explore the relationship between the two types of teaching and their influence on mathematics grades or learning adaptation.The study will also further explore Coleman’s theory developed in 1966 : Grades of students are much more related to background factors than teacher factors. The study also explores the two following questions : How are grades of students affected by background factors of students and teaching methods of teaching ? And what can we do with learning differences in background caused by teaching methods of teachers?The study shows : First, some elements which have a crucial influence on mathematics grades are cram school education, having one’s own desk, and having tutors and parents. This means the family background is the main factor that affects grades of students and has little connection with teaching methods of teachers. Second, the learning adaptation of students is influenced more by teaching methods than by background factors. Also, constructional approach teaching will have a positive effect on mathematics learning adaptation. The result supports the theory of constructional approach teaching produced by many scholars. It means a lot in education that teaching methods have little influence on promotion of mathematics grades, so background factors have become the prime factor in the influence of mathematics grades. But teaching methods of teachers will help students have getter learning adaptation. This may be the importance of constructional approach teaching. Third, the study also finds that some teachers after their teaching introspection use mixed constructional and direct teaching. Compared with constructional approach teaching, the mixed constructional and direct teaching makes no difference in learning adaptation or mathematical grades.
