
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 教師終身進修相關議題之調查研究
卷期 25:3
並列篇名 Survey of Related Issues of Teachers' Lifelong In-Service Training
作者 余民寧賴姿伶王淑懿
頁次 543-584
關鍵字 教師終身進修結構化概念形成法教師專業成長Lifelong in-service education for teachersStructured conceptualizationProfessional growth of teachersTSSCI
出刊日期 200212




Since the advent of the Multiple Intelligence Theory by Dr. Howard Gardner, lifelong in-service education for teachers as an educational veform trend is recogntzed by most teachers. Hence the study of related issues is advocated and enhanced to achieve the goal of building a society of lifelong learning.The purpose of this study, by using the procedure of structured conceptualization and survey research, is to analyze and scale viewpoints about the above issues of representative samples, and to formulate latent dimensions of such concept clusters. By constructing a questionnaire according to these concept clusters, item analyses and the theoretical basis of lifelong in-service education for teachers are constructed and developed. Implications and usage of such a basis are suggested too.Finally, implications of these findings are explained and suggestions for improving law-making, recruiting teachers, performance evaluation, and future research are also proposed.
