
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 學科知識結構之評量研究--以「教育測驗與評量」學科知識為例
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 Assessment of Content Knowledge Structures: An Example for Educational Testing and Assessment
作者 余民寧
頁次 341-367
關鍵字 知識結構路徑蒐尋網路分析學科知識Knowledge structurePathfinder network analysisContent knowledgeTSSCI
出刊日期 200208




The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibilities of applying the Assessment Model of Knowledge Structures to the course of “Educational Testing and Assessment”. 73 subjects participated in this study. Results showed that the model can be a potential tool to be used in instructional assessment with a quantitative index (i.e., PFC index) to represent the degrees of similarity of knowledge structures among instructors and students. In the meantime, the Assessment Model could also discriminate and interpret the differences of students’ learning achievement. And because of using a graphic representation, the model can make students’ content knowledge structures visible, identify wrong links and missing links in the structures, improve the convincing power of assessment results, and suggest the potential value of remedial instruction. Discussions of the results and suggestions for future instructional assessment and research projects are proposed.
