
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 母親教導衝突解決策略之內容與孩子知覺的關係
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 The Relationships between Mother's Parenting Style and Child's Perception
作者 王琳林美珍陳皎眉
頁次 221-250
關鍵字 衝突解決策略管教內容ConflictSolving strategiesTeaching seeking for helpTSSCI
出刊日期 200208




People encounter conflict frequently while interacting with others. Relationships will be come worse if one doesn’t have proper ways to solve the conflict. A proper solution was one of the indicators of socialization. Since the proper solutions are learned, and one of the socialization agents is the mother, there has been a lot of research targeting parenting. No matter what the mother taught, what the child learned will depend upon his perception. We hypothesized that the reasons the mother gave while teaching the child the strategies to solve conflict will influence how the child will perceive the strategies. 326 boys and 306 girls of 3rd and 6th grade primary school students and their mothers participated. The results showed that when the mother gave the reasons for considering another’s feelings while teaching seeking help strategies, more children perceived the strategies correctly. When the mother gave the reasons of considering the relationships while teaching children who did not seek help in conflict, different levels of students’ will perceive the differently. Giving the reasons of considering the teachers’ reaction did not influence what the child perceived.
