
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 Drawing as a Graphic Speech in Children's Writing Processes and Written Discourse Structures
卷期 15
並列篇名 繪畫也是一種寫作語言
作者 紀李美瑛
頁次 241-258
出刊日期 199208




The purpose of this paper is to develop a theoretical framework through literature review on how children utilize various modes of presentation in writing processes, and how this multimodal event effects their written discourse structures. The content includes three subdivisions:(1)Modes of symbolic representation, (2)Children’s drawing in writing processes, and (3)Children’s written discourse structures. Drawing is a form of iconic representation to reflect the distinctive features of the represented experience(Bruner, 1964);a graphic image to draw what they know, not what they see(Piaget, 1969;)and a graphic speech to conceptualize an internal representation of a story (Vygotsky, 1978). Drawing pictures may help beginning writers formulate and organize their thought in the less conventional and freer form of graphic symbolism. Drawing may help children develop characters plot and theme in a story. Very little research was found on understanding the functions of drawing in children’s writing processes and written discourse structures. Thus, this literature review endeavors to provide theoretical grounds for further research.

